Save the Date! Save the Flowers!


Sarah + a deer named “Baby” - Crying Eagle Lodge, Louisiana


Sarah Ahrens Montreuil Bouquet


You saved the date. Now, save your flowers! Wedding bouquet commissions are the perfect way to do this.

Bouquets are painted on 14”x11” heavy weight archival paper with deckle edges. (A fancy word for “torn.”) They are a gorgeous way to preserve your flowers forever and decorate your walls with the memory of your special day. These expressionistic florals also make incredible anniversary gifts.

It’s easy! All I need is a couple of side views of your bouquet.


Dreamy 30A Wedding


Bride from Georgia

Bride from Louisiana


Framed Wedding Bouquet Commission

Bertrand Girls - New Orleans City Park, LA


Please feel free to forward this blog post or link to your favorite bride. And, my small business would be eternally grateful if you shared on social media. It’s easy to do with the links below.

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